How to Live a Life of Yes

Jake Parrish
2 min readNov 28, 2017


Photo by Nghia Le on Unsplash

So a few weeks ago I came across an amazing YouTube channel, Yes Theory. Essentially their message is to live a life of yes and to become comfortable in uncomfortable situations.

This is unlike any YouTube channel I have ever seen!

The videos that they put out are truly unique and have provided inspiration to myself to seek discomfort.

Some of the cool things they have done include meeting the Prime Minister of Canada(and getting a Christmas Card picture with him), throwing an insane party for $0, and asking billionaires to swim in their pools.

Everything they do is with the intention to seek discomfort.

Watching these videos have created an urge in myself to take uncomfortable actions or go on spontaneous adventures for the freedom that the yes mentality can bring.

However, then I thought, how practical can this be?

They have created a platform on the concept and therefore it is their entire job to create content in which they go on spontaneous adventures. If I did this every day and did not think of my long term ambitions would I be truly happy?

I am not sure, but probably not. I think the key is in the balance of daily spontaneity and long term focus.

You should continue to grind on that project that you are super passionate about because 10 years down the road you will be super proud of all the hard work it took to get you where you are.

So in the long term, focus and keep grinding.

However I think it is crucial to add some of the Yes Theory to your daily routine as well. Do something every day that gets you out of your comfort zone.

Talk to that cute guy/girl in class.

Sign up for that 5k.

Reach out to that influencer on Instagram.

Grab the keys and go to somewhere you have never been for the weekend.

Dance as if no one is watching.

Just get out of your comfort zone. It will help you grow as a person and you never know where it will lead you.

I will continue to figure out more ways to get the Yes Theory in my daily life while focusing on my long term goals. I hope that after reading this and watching some of their videos you will want to do the same.


Check these guys out and hit the subscribe button. You will not regret it!!


Disclaimer: I did not contact Yes Theory about this article and have no affiliation with Yes Theory. Simply a fan! :)

